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  • Ingredients:
  • 500g of 00 flour
  • A packet of brewer’s yeast and water (q.b)
  • A pinch of salt
  • A pinch of sugar
  • Olive oil
  • 1 head of escarole
  • Cherry tomatoes q.b.
  • Cheese (provola)
  • Pepper and Oil

A typical dish of the Messina tradition is the focaccia seasoned with cheese and endive. Its origins date back to the post-war period. The “focaccia alla messinese” unlike the more famous Genoese focaccia is more like a pizza thanks to the richness of its seasoning. In this post, we offer the Scarola Pomodoro e Formaggio version of the messinese flatbread.

How to cook the Messinese FlatBread

In a bowl add the flour with a pinch of salt and one of sugar, the yeast dissolved in cold water and a tablespoon of oil. After mixing all the ingredients, work the dough with your hands until you obtain a well-homogeneous consistency. Create loaves with the dough you just made and beat them on table two or three times (to facilitate leavening). Cover the loaves with a cloth and leave to rest for at least two hours.
Washing and drying both the endive and the tomatoes cut them and season them with oil and salt.
To leavened dough spread it on the baking sheet (previously oiled) and prick it with the tines of a fork. Season the focaccia with a layer of vegetables, one of the tomatoes and a little pepper to taste.

Bake at 180 degrees for 20 minutes, remembering to add the cheese in the final stage of cooking.